38 Virgins killed on their way to be picked as King Mswati’s new wife
38 virgins and young women perished in a grisly accident on their way to Swazi Reed Dance Festival, an annual event which sees tens of thousands of unmarried girls – or ‘maidens’ – perform for King Mswati III, Africa’s last absolute monarch.
The accident involved an open topped truck that rammed into a Toyota Van before being hit by a second truck. The fatal accident took place between Swazi cities of Mbabane and Manzini on Friday afternoon.
King Mswati is known to pick his wives from the girls who perform for him at the traditional dance, a tribute to the queen mother. Last year, the Swazi king piked a 19 year old girl who became his 14th wife.
Reports indicate that the police tried to cover up the accident, preventing journalists from taking photos.
According to Times of Swaziland scenes of chaos were witnessed as parents began to arrive at the Raleigh Fitkin Memorial Hospital, in Manzini. It said they were held outside the emergency room, where the bodies and about 20 survivors were being treated.
A human rights group, The Swaziland Solidarity Network (SSN), has now called on the royal family to reconsider going ahead with the festival, which sees about 40,000 participating in the eight-day ceremony.
The King has already sent his condolences.
‘We all have heard about the dark cloud that has befallen the ‘imbali,” he said, using the Swati language word for flower, used to refer to the groups of women dancers.
Speaking at the opening of an international trade fair in Swaziland’s economic center Manzini, he promised that the affected families would be compensated. He added that an investigation into the accident was underway.